Saturday, 2 October 2010

I Love Coursework (who doesn't?)

Coursework. Coursework. I should be doing it. one of my targets in my academic review: don't mix social and work time. FAIL, is all I say. But who cares? Not me. O I'm hard. Obviously its very late at night and I am blabbering. I don't even know why I'm at this website. Here I am though. O well a short, disorganized entry.

Monday, 13 September 2010


O my i'm a year 11. One of those intimidating big people which grunt down the tech block. Not that I grunt. I don't actually have time to blog yet these keys are drawing me. SO MUCH HAS CHANGED! In a good and could be better way. But hey, I still love my life. VERY important lesson this week: be yourself. Honestly most people spend most of their lives trying to please others and it's tiring. I learnt that I am going to do what I would like and be who I want to be whether people like. Sounds primary school but I am learning it. I want to shave my head, I like my hair short then I will do it because it's mine. Whether others like it or not. Metaphor btw, not the best one. I think I sound like Mr Tyrell in our English class. Not that I want to shave ANY of my very bery long strands EVER. I mean it's only logic, eveyone has their own opinion so make sure you stick to yours. Not in an arrogant way but there goes me analysing.....Well, confidence in mind and body is key also, now I feel i'm drifting off. O well, I have less than a week till me collection goes on the catwalk at LONDON Fashion Week !! Very buzzed. Never thought my clothes would be there, designed and made and all. Did I just say BUZZED? So much to tell. Quite warming to the idea of doing this now when I have eveything to do. My mind is like NYC traffic. And there hangs the question: " WHAT WILL I DO WITH MY LIFE?!". But I am not stressed as I know I am not the one controlling it, thank God. Actually, THANK YOU God.

Friday, 23 July 2010

Anti -Climax

What an anit-climax, the last day of term was. The first day of summer holidays and yet I find I have as much work as before. I am quite happy I have enough time to write another entry in this thing only wondering what the actual point is of a blog. Well there we go, I have officially persuaded myself to stop typing. now.

Saturday, 26 June 2010

A Bit Rusty On the Keys...

When did I last blog? I cannot remember. And it doesn't help I deleted all the entries for some insane reason. I finally have some time now all exams are over for this year. I have become more questioning on what is the actual point of having a blog? Its like a public diary and I'm not sure if I like the idea. And it feels weird sharing my sentiments with a non-existent audience. O well. I have the time. The weather is so good today, and apart from eating too much rocky road yesterday I don't feel exhausted. So much is finished, head girl elections (ahhh), sports day, presentation evening, Olympic cup, competitions, coursework, ahhhhh. Now two weeks of work experience. Well. It feels good to be back. Off to do some painting.